In another universe within the Michiganverse, a character named Cast was ascended to the 4th dimension via their friend Xavier* and became a sort of traveler around the worlds, going by The Tourist. The issue, however, is when it visited a place filled with odd, godlike humanoids known to us as Oculo-Sapiens. Their mere existence there caused a giant, yet slow, disaster of war and chaos. Many groups formed, trying to save themselves, as well as attempting to prove that they were somehow "right" on saving the entire world itself.
Additional thing- the world has most people speaking toki pona as a first language, as well as other languages. This is important to some things within their culture, especiallu before the war.
Ijenawa, also known to most as Vandalism, was a medic born later into the war. He was taken from his family at a young age and was disallowed to even play as a child. He was also taught many horrible things, such as:
☙ He isn't allowed to be mad at anyone, or hate anyone
☙ He isn't allowed to treat himself or accept treatment, unless he is near death itself
☙ He isn't allowed to harm anyone, even in self defense.
He's still internalizing these teachings to this day, despite his severe injuries and literal missing bones. It's especially unhealthy for him due to the fact that he's around people he really doesn't like, but he has no ability to express that, even within his own mind, even if one person has almost murdered him multiple times.
Ijenawa also has cotard's delusion, as well as some severe issues with PTSD.
Pakola, who's name is a purposeful misspelling of "pakala" (mistake, broken, or destruction in toki pona). He was a soldier who was orphaned before being taken in by a military training facility. The way in which the facility worked was that it would drug the soldiers in order to "keep them in line". They would keep them under the power of addiction, and threaten to cause a horrible withdrawal that could be deadly under the wrong circumstances. Pakola was named that by the facility itself, due to the people's views of him, though his old headnoun was simply "ilo" istead. He himself changed it to "nasa" with little to no known reason, at least none he's given. He's basically a guard dog type trope, overly loyal to anyone who can help him, very physically powerful, and prone to being manipulated. Don't get me wrong, though, he's not dumb. He's good at learning, and extremely talented in the art of war.
OK SO LIKE we have this fuckass bitch called ccast, right???? 4th dimensional fuck that got sent to the 4th dimension by their bestie westie Xavier fuckass Ferns. Well uh they went to a speciifc universe and bc time shit combined wirh weird bullshit tgat i wont explain listen im tired but slightly manic. anyways so cast fucks up this universe by just existing there amd oh fuck a WAR
I love war
so anuwyas this bullshit causes two special autism creatures to have trauma - vandalism and pakola. vandy's name is actually ijenawa but like im lazy ok ok fuck off - also pakola's name is a mispelling of mistae in toki pona based on the fuckass HAI video on it. hehehhe. but yeah so like these two are truamatized in oppsoite manners but both being estremely slef sacrificial ain very different ways. also ones like a healer and also a fagg but the other is a war criminal and a weird lsoer
Anyways gonna fix things later when im more awake sorry awake me or any geadmates who se this :3333