Ways to say "Hi"!


Draw Me Things!

Oc and Worldbuilding Stuff

Welcome to my suffering :D

(No, really, I spent half an hour on those buttons above...)

Anyways, this is a site to store each and every character, world, and concept I've ever written. Have fun navigating!


This site is still under construction, and not everything may work.
Additionally, not all images have alt text, as I need to work on that.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact me via the links in my site (click the button below to access said site!)

All art, by the way, will be digital, meaning some first drawings are not true first drawings of the characters.

Site by Chryssi

blinkies.cafe | make your own blinkies!

A list of each oc on the site (so far...)

❧This list, by the way, is heavily incomplete!
I mean, it'll never truly be complete, given how many characters I've made..


If you're uncomfortable with ANY of these topics, please stay safe and maybe don't interact.

Random Images


Height- 11ft
Prns- Any
Job- Hitman/Dentist
Gender- Fuck if I know
Age- 30s


A dentist and hitman residing in the General Universe. They're heavily based off of the song Novocaine by Creep-p and Ghost and Pals. She's also a demigod with childhood and medical trauma, or something... Let's ignore that for now !!!

Original Concept

Originally, she was supposed to be a simple AU of Willow, turning her into an evil dentist with some chaotic motives.

Unused Names

Random Facts

❥ Their mask was made by their partner, Brutus.
❥ He was not originally supposed to be a vampire. He is, in fact, a vampire.
❥ They also didn't originally have a tail or antlers.
❥ Due to an inside joke, they're a celebrity in the lust ring of the version of hell that Brutus works at, mainly for "amazing humor" (sex jokes).
❥ Her and Hyper's birthday is May 14, as Cobra was made originally on May 14th, 2021
❥ She's the first character listed in every document made!

Hyper Her sister, of whom she equally loves, cares for, and fears. She'd still do anything for her, maybe besides staying out of jail...
Brutus [Lee] Their partner. She loves him, as well as loves to throw him around. He's a sort of ragdoll for them.
Trevvie [Lee] She's Hyper's wife, so she has to be at least a bit nice... Is she going to though? Nah...
Chryspi So take the enemies to siblings trope, and twist it around violently. That's basically these two, in Cobra's eyes. Basically, they're besties.
Yarrow [Lee] One of her children. She greatly cares for Yarrow, and wants to support them and their chaotic endevours.
Chrysan Hatred.
Willow She's neutral about her...
Zephyr They think she's pretty cool, being honest.
Suni She'd, if she could, murder her over and over again.
Sheriff [Lemon] A somewhat friend. They enjoy sparring with him and hanging out in hell.
Wayne [Lee] Another one of her children, she tries to make sure he's ok.
Glacier And yet, another one of her kids. She's trying to get to know her better.
Cursive [Lee] They think she's cool, being honest. He likes doing weed with her :3

Some Art

First Drawing

Most Recent (Digital) Art


Height- 11ft
Prns- She/Her
Job- Teacher
Gender- Chronic Fatigue
Age- 30s


She's yet another character based off of a song, this time being "Hyperdontia" by Ghost and Pals and Creep-p. She's much kinder and less murderous than her sibling. She also is much less interested in things such as violence and teeth, only getting involved with the former when she's getting Cobra (or others..) out of jail.

Original Concept

Originally, I made her as a sort of... "alter" to Cobra. She was supposed to be much softer and more of a "scaredy cat". She was also much more "awkward", or what I tried to make out as "awkward"...

Random Facts

❥Her creation date, unfortunately, is completely unknown to me.
❥ Due to the whole old system concept, Hyper and Cobra are twins.
❥ Hyper is my first married, widowed, and re-married oc ☻
❥ There was once edits of her made on like.. pixart. They're definitely not saved anywhere... nope...

Cobra Her sibling. She, honestly speaking, worries a LOT about him.
Chryspi Her other sibling, of whom is adopted. She would do about anything to keep them and Cobra safe.
Trevvie [Lee] Her wife, and the love of her life. She's known her since childhood, and hopes to be with her forever.
Cloudie [Lee] Her kid, of whom she cares deeply for. Though.. she is concerened over their.. hobbies...especially those involving old ladies.

Some Art

First Drawing

Most Recent Drawing


Chryspi Chreme

Height- 6ft 3"
Prns- They/It
Job- Owner of Chryspi Chreme
Gender- Tears laced with cyanide
Age- Late 20s to early 30s.


The chaotic, rich, and generally insane owner of a weird, confusing bakery. It started out being more.. evil in their ventures, often poisoning some donuts or making things such as "glass donuts", but it's calmed down a lot by now. They're much kinder now, but the effects of childhood trauma do show through at times.

Original Concept

Originally, they were supposded to just be a joke oc based off of the song The Distortionist (which still shines through given their love for a metal bat, and distress involving broken glass), but they slowly evolved into an oc with a large amount of lore. Also it was originally British. I'm sorry.

Unused Names

Random Facts

❥My hairstyle was heavily based off of Chryspi's...
❥They were originally shipped with an oc based off of Honey I'm Home, before even Bár.
❥I once made a logo for Chryspi's bakery. I'm still proud of it.
❥They were, at one point, more drawn than Cobra
❥ Speaking of Cobra, they were actually made before him!

Cobra Their adoptive older sibling. They sometimes can't believe they used to hate her. And then they remember (joke... maybe)
Hyper Their other sister. They genuinely care so very much about her, but sometimes don't know how to show it.
Mixo Their partner, and the love of their life. They cherish him so, so very much.
Ivo Their child. They'd do anything in the world to keep him safe and happy.
Suni Y'know, she used to be an older sister figure to them... Nowadays, though, they've lost all faith in her. They couldn't even look her in the eyes at this point.
Ikki . . .
Chrysan They can't believe that, in a way, they're just like them. At least, visibly so.

Some Art

First Drawing

Most Recent Art

Juan Roberts

Height- 4ft 11"
Prns- He/It
Job- Unemployment
Gender- Sad
Age- 16


A teenager in Possibly, Michigan who's trying to survive with murderers all around. He's a gifted kid with an interest in acedemics and knives, though neither interests are exactly proven useful.

Original Concept

Originally, he was supposed to be a coworker of his now-friend Ash. On that, he was also supposed to be more laid back, as well as a whole ADULT.

Random Facts

❥ His name actually came from a real person I knew in 2nd grade, which is why his object form is a football. (The person was associated with footballs to me.)
❥ His narrative with Tyler was somewhat based in exaggerated real events :D
❥ His cane usage originally came from heavy amounts of projection!
❥ Someone once made a genuine shrine of him.
❥ He's not a stoner.
❥ He's an age regressor thanks to childhood neglect.
❥ He has a playlist titled "Juancore" on youtube. I believe it only has one song, "I Swallowed Shampoo".

Rowan [Lemon] His (found-family) sister. He couldn't manage a moment without being nearby her. The two are almost codependant, thanks to knowing each other for so long.
Ash [Lemon] His best friend besides Rowan. He'd move worlds for zem.
Charon/Karma He's.. somewhat scared of it after recent events. He doesn't know about their plurality.
Artyom [Lemon] He doesn't want to be around him. Ever.
Emma He just.. genuinely doesn't like her. She scares it.
Tyler He hates him. He misses him. He loved him. He never cared. He's so guilty. He feels no remorse. He wants him back. He wants to forget. He never will. He. Never. Will.
Angelina Gonzales His ex-boss. He... he doesn't want to think about her.

Some Art

First Drawing

Most Recent Drawing

Tyler Jacob Cole

Height- 5ft 7"
Prns- He/Him
Job- Dead and causing chaos.
Gender- Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Tara Way
Age- 17


Back in his life, he wanted friends. He didn't know how to truly be a friend, though. He used those around him for things like grades and such. Even when he knew what he was doing was wrong, he continued. His hubris and his confidence, however, proved fatal, traumatizing someone he used as a homework dispenser.

Random Facts

❥ The logo on his shirt originally comes from a brand I made back in 6th grade, which was originally called "Rocka's" instead of "Logo"
❥ His original object was a skateboard, based off of an actual mini skateboard I had back in 9th grade.
❥ He originally caused the lore-links rentrys.
❥ His death was somewhat inspired by an actual building, which is an office surrounded by barbed wire.
❥ He used to be classmates with Charon.
❥ His name was originally Jacob. It became confusing thanks to his connections with Juan, so I changed it to Tyler.
❥ Speaking of the name "Tyler", that name came from an actual person named Tylenol. I don't hold grudges, no...
❥ He has a fursona. It's name is Blake.
❥ He's a Christmas Kid. A family member of his is the reason why it shut down, actually.

Juan He.. doesn't know. He sees him as a traitor.
Artyom His...ex... He's still genuinely in love. It borders on obsession, honestly.
The CEO [MineralMonarch] He thinks he's "super cool".

Some Art

First Drawing

Most Recent Drawing

Charon Styx

Height- 6ft 2"
Prns- It/Its
Job- Arcade Assistant (also ethical hacker)
Gender- ☃, ☎, or youareanidiot.org
Age- 16


A worker an at arcade, with an odd fascination with computers and coding. It's also, oddly enough, an ethical hacker and a "Christmas Kid".
It's also a part of a system of 2 people.

Original Concept

While it's always been intended to be a computer nerd working at an arcade, its originally never went to Terrace. It actually was supposed to have an older sister who'd just come out of Juvie instead.

Random Facts

❥ It's the first Planers AU oc to have a partner, as well as the first Planers oc to have an AU (the Ghost AU)
❥ It's also the first character to get kicked out of school ☻
❥ A lot of it's personality and writing comes from my headmate, Bio. Shoutout to it, I guess.
❥ The game for TERRACE is still planned to be made, trust me.
❥ It was named by its friend, Storme.
❥ It canonically speaks Turkish. I made this canon partially to practice Turkish for class.
❥ The story behind its creation is funny, because I made its concept after a party at Peter Piper, where I ended up buying 14 pixie sticks exactly.

Ash [Lemon] Its partner, and the love of its life. They've been... distant.. lately, though.
Karma Its headmate. The two don't have the best communication, and Karma has been quite secretive lately. Odd...
Juan It doesn't know much about him, besides that he's scared of it.
Rowan [Lee] Similar to Juan, it doesn't know much about her.
Mark [Lee] Its youngest sibling. It'd do anything to protect him.
Ennie Mark's friend. It's similarly deadset on keeping hyp safe.
Sheriff "Kovboy!"
Writer "Korsan!"
Blossom "Çiçek!"
Remy Its older sibling. It can be clingy to them sometimes.

Some Art!

First Drawing

Most Recent Drawing

Karma Hill

Height- 6ft 2"
Prns- They/It
Job- Sometimes ethical hacker. (They refuse to front in the arcade.)
Gender- youareanidiot.org
Age- 16


A much more angry person that their headmate, dealing with the rage caused by traumas of their past.
It's also a part of a system of 2 people.

Original Concept

Not as much of an original concept, but originally "Karma" was just an alias used by Charon for certain periods of time.

Random Facts

❥They're mostly non-speaking, and often speak via AAC or writing.
❥ It's often rude and physically violent, almost as an affection language to those around them.
❥ They have ✨severe trust issues✨... have fun wit that!

Ash [Lemon] Their partner. It wants to keep zem as safe as possible, and will do anything just to make sure that happens
Charon Their headmate. They don't talk to it.
Juan They don't trust him.
Rowan [Lemon] Same as Juan, no trust in sight.

For art, you should go to Charon's page, as all art of Karma is art of Charon.

Emma Lopez

Height- 5ft 5"
Prns- She/Her
Job- She probably works at a Spencer's. I'm sorry look at her, she may be the msot girlypop individual ever but she works at a Spencer's
Gender- Legally Blonde
Age- 17 (she flunked a year)


A teenage girl who enjoys gossip. She's often meanspirited and a bit rude, but she does have her soft spots every now and then... especially with her girlfriend, Nyx.